Thursday, June 8, 2017


Casting into Mosquito Bay.
This has been the worst year for bugs since I moved here. A long, cold, wet spring has seen the biting little buggers, both black flies and mosquitoes, around for longer, and in greater numbers. Almost all my fishing has been done from the cove in my backyard. I just wade out, and cast. I can get chased out of the water pretty fast, so I am reticent to take the time to get the pontoon rigged, if I'll be heading back moments later.
A backyard Bass from today.
Our cove is off of a larger bay. The bottom of both are covered in dead wood. Thus, I have named the bay. Deadwood Bay. Our little inlet is known as Mosquito Cove.

It is not my number one destination. The fishing is not great. But, there are fish. I can usually count on a couple of bass, and always some Rockies. The best thing about it is obviously the proximity and ease of access. I can decide to do some casting and be on the water in a minute.

I have never fished it in the morning. I'm going to have to give that a try as I figure there maybe a good shot at something decent.

The Bass, both smallies and Rock. have yet to spawn.

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