What a difference 24hrs can make. Yesterday morning the entire river was alive with fish on the rise, smashing caddis with wild abondon. Today? Fuck me if the trout hadn't packed up and moved to Brazil. I could count the number of surface breakers on one hand. Not what I was hoping for or expecting. Oh well. Thats Karmic payback. I know walking away from rising fish is a bad thing so I honestly wasn't surprised that the trout weren't coming up to play.
I believe there has to be balance. If the fishing is unreal one day, I'm never surprised when its the shits the next. Mind you, I could list of a slew of reasons why this happened to us today, but in the end I'm not sure it really matters. It happened. Sussing out the how's and why's may make for interesting mental gymnastics.....we can come up with a well thought out reasoning which may be correct, give ourselves a pat on the back for solving the puzzle, but thats not going to turn back time and make the fish rise. Hopefully we can apply what we learned on another............when a whole new set of variables will come along and mess up our well planned fun.................but.......as I said, I've learned this lesson before. Walk away from rising fish, pay the price. Leave while the fishing is good, return when its sucking ass. Turning down open opportunities has never served me well in this sport.
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