Thursday, July 4, 2013

New Fly.

..........nice camo pattern.
So, I was thinking last night about a new pattern. The Clouser has been serving me well, but there are times it hasn't produced. Even more annoyingly, for whatever reason, the perch haven't been hooking up as much as they should. I also was looking to impart more action to the fly. Not that Clousers don't have action, they do,  but I was looking for something more..................undulating?

What I came up with is very simple. Like all my flies. I tied them on size 8 hooks with a bead head. Tied in an underbody of green crystal flash. On top of that a 2" strip of chamois, thin and tapered front and back. An overbody of crystal flash, and yellow hackle wound behind the bead head. Crystal flash cut to match the chamois in length. F'in deadly. It was killer on perch as well as bass. I think I may have caught more perch tonight than on any other outing of my life. Nailed some real nice bass too.
.............and up we go!
I'll post pictures and better instructions for the fly at some point. I am very happy with the results. I could not have hoped for a better debut.

Video of a couple of the bass from tonight. Both bass were caught on the new pattern. Actually all fish tonight were. One fly even, and it was partially destroyed by the first half dozen fish. Now it is pretty mangled and will be retired.


  1. Great feeling when a flytying brainchild knocks them dead the first time out. Can't get over how good the Bass fishing is.

    1. Being new to the area, I really haven't tapped into the potential of the fishery. It is indeed remarkable.
      YUP! The second fish on the video is the very first fish to hit the fly. And only a couple of minutes into the outing. A great feeling indeed. :)
