Sunday, March 10, 2013


Things we’ll be getting a lot more interesting here. Well, if here still exists in the future. You may find this blog migrating to a new, bigger website, with more bells and whistles. Bling and glitz aside, there will be a lot more content. I have done something I always wanted to do. I have moved back ( I was born in Kenora ) north. Not quite as north as my birthplace, but certainly far enough away from the mega sprawl of the GTA to enjoy clean air devoid of people. I’m now in Algoma Country, the North Shore, up in the Penokean Hills. Specifically, Elliot Lake.

Now, I could have relocated anywhere in this country. I looked at locations from one coast to another. Believe me that fishing was a top priority. In the end, I could not see anyplace in Canada that could provide what Elliot Lake could. Its not just the fishing. Elliot Lake, a population of around 12,000, has an infrastructure better than where I lived in the GTA that harboured a population much greater. A bus service, which my old home did not. Larger hospital. The only thing it maybe lacking is a glut of ‘big box’ stores.

Then there’s the fishing. It is touted as one of the worlds best fisheries. 4000 lakes within 150km. We have, Pike, Pickerel, Bass, Panfish, Whitefish, Splake, Rainbows, Brookies………and the list doesn’t end there. With the advent of ATV’s, an unbelievable amount of these lakes can be easily accessed. You cannot escape good fishing here. This winter has been a long one. I am very eager for the ice to disappear. The seasons here are much more amenable to fisherman. Brookies, for instance, opened Jan 1st ( closes sept 30th ). Pike are open all year. Splake, Rainbows, etc. As soon as we have ice off I am going pike and laker ( open Jan 1st ) hunting. Stay tuned. Should be interesting as I learn the ropes in these parts. Lots of water and fish to explore, with an eye on guiding in the near future. Anyone who knows me can tell you that working in the industry was not something I particularly had a hankering for, most often explaining why I would not wish to. Things have changed.

It should be an interesting ride for those who wish to keep along. There will be much more varied content if and when the site migrates. I’ll will be fishing new water, targeting a wide variety of species, and honing techniques to catch them. Lots of learning for me, which should equate to some tidbits and tips for the readers. The area is popular with outdoor shows. Bob Izumi, Dimestore Fisherman, Man Tracker and New Fly Fisher have all shot show up here. Here are the links to the New Fly Fisher’s shows.
 Elliot Lake for Bass
 For Pike
 For Pike and Bows at Laurentian Lodge.

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