Sunday, May 4, 2014

Another day.

2 Lakes. One covered in ice, one open.
So, I suppose I can't complain to much. When I look back at my blog at this time last year, I was pretty

much in the same boat. Looking for fish. I know it won't be long, but I'm still anxious. Today was the first day I didn't see any Pike cruising in the hour or so I put in. I put in a little more effort than usual, actually changing lures. To no avail.
I chose the open lake.
Liking this GoPro 3+ Silver. I had an original go pro and hated it. Maybe it was a lemon. Dunno. All I know is that one was in my hands for less than a day before it went back. This one, is marvelous so far. Another little toy I am testing out is a Magic Flight Launch Box.

Something else I am very impressed with. I am not going to go into specifics about it due to the nature of the product. Suffice it to say, I would recommend it to any who would ask me about it.

A day off probably would not hurt to take a day or two off.............................but I'll probably still have a look see tomorrow.

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